Saturday, January 7, 2017

SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs

History of sugar, how much we love it, tales to share, our powers to make it all better. Just a little sugar, to make it better, parts of life. Fish And Frogs, Dances On Waters, Snakes And Worms, Clocks To Turn, Waves To Make, Boats To Float: Dreams. Prince Pop Life (Audio) 1985..Thanks...

Veterans Alone:Homeless: Nightmares by Jordan Starr. Earth Angels, Sheep And Goat Leaders, Giants Jacks: Pipers, Angels On Earth, Veterans With Skills. Hands out to help, hands out to lead, hands out to build the…Winners,Losers,Learners, Daily Events, Fish And Frogs, Walks In The Park, Classes Of Rat Racers.. GOFUNDME.COM SUMMER SELECTIONS..Unfriend me if you want : I am writing in Mickey Mouse for president . Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2.

Happy Tales, Tips and Stories, love and hate, how to win the races, rats running the shows, horses and pony games, hits for the fees, races to bets, daily events. Songs to sing, monkeys and games, years to leap ahead, rats to races, winners and losers, rules to play. Games of love and hate, horns to blow, goats and sheep, races to run, eating cars, purple hairs, girls and chicks. Good lucks, good looks, good times, dances on the sands of time.

The white woman who insists she is black now has a book out.  Rachel Dolezal, who among other things served as an adjunct at Eastern Washington University and president of the Spokane, Washington NAACP, has confounded the social justice left since it was revealed she is actually Caucasian.  Maybe this memoir, In Full Color, will offer some new information on what it means to be … “trans-racial.”

The First Annual International Bamboo Architectural Biennale Explores Material's Use in Contemporary Design
Frank Agresti :Cornerstones Of Success, Truthful And Honest, Roots Of Hands To Hold, Nuts To Fall Alone. Pages To Turn. Bald and fat, Red Dates, Read and wide, dicks and dawgs, dates with cheap fucks, no cash to spend, no house of his own, back with the kids and their dawgs, circles of rejects from NY. retards and basket cases. Frank Agresti for a free ride, veterans to prey, back in time, birthday present, to kick the dog, free rides to the trash in the apartment roaches in the cracks.Low Lives, Low Keys To Play, Under The Sands Of Time, Tricks, Trades, Treats. Kids Notes. Top 10 Adele Song | Best Songs Of Adele. Ghostwriter wanted 💗📽💗📽Low Lives, Low Keys To Play, Under The Sands Of Time, Tricks, Trades, Treats. Kids Notes.Ralfi Pagan-Make It With YouHopes, Dreams In Light Of Day, Faces In Mirrors, Faces Of Frogs: Mountains.

United States Federal Court Rules Females are Free to Display Their Breasts in Public...Monkeys On Top, Retards, rejects, monkey packs, dicks, dawgs, and donkeys to date, faces under the dirt, under the mud, under the sands of time, spiders, snakes, and worms. Basket cases,  Jose and Juliana Santiago, rednecks, dicks, and dawgs, trash from NY. Rotten apples, in the little orange, faces of frogs, faces of snakes and worms, that live in the grass. Ralfi Pagan-Make It With You

United States Federal Court Rules Females are Free to Display Their Breasts in Public...Monkeys On Top, Tips, Tales, Mountain Tops: Baby Boomers: Hats And Horns, Songs To Sing.  Juliana Santiago .This has been ruled because there is no difference when it comes to male and female breasts. This ruling is something that will anger some and empower… Juliana and Jose Santiago
Monkeys On Top, Tips, Tales, Mountain Tops: Baby Boomers: Hats And Horns, Songs To Sing. Jose Juliana Santiago. Ralfi Pagan-Make It With You. 

Spokane filmmaker’s ‘Night of the Witch’ project pays tribute to ’80s horror genre: As Heath Ledger’s Joker o...

Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin.

Pages to turn, stories to write.. Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin. Motions Of Dreams, Mountains To Climb, Birds In Dogwood Trees. 💙💖Blue Oceans To Create: Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts. Pages Turned....💖💖💝...."you think I give a fuck?Snakes in Grass Snakes And Worms.😍😉Riding Waves Daily Events Done.Great day on right side of grave, happy for classes on the beach, RV camping for 6 years, hard to say, how long in hell.

Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin, before the blood that makes us the same. Horns of a goat, love and hate, horns to you, make it a blast today.. Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin.. Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats. Flipped, games played, life on the beach, good tales to spin.Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, lessons learned.

You are a star in the dreams that you create when you sleep, dreams in actions… Bunny for luck, bunnies in the house, tricks and dogs, bitches in heat. Songs… Flipped, games played, life on the beach, good tales to spin.Good times, sad times..."you think I give a fuck? Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin.Snakes in Grass Snakes And Worms.😍😉Riding Waves,  These stories are not just for the kids, they are also for the kids that can get the news, dicks and dawgs in the world today. Tricks, trades, treats, songs to sing, birds and bees...

Monkey Tales, Monkeys See, Monkeys Talk....Love and hate, time to eat, snakes and rats, friends for a minute, in the mouth, to suck out the life, so small, good and bad, skins to be. Skins of a snakes, rats resting, mouse games, tricks and trades, snakes in grass. Songs to sing, glory days done, snake and rats, rates of love and hate, food for dinner. Grins and smiles, jokes and laughs, snakes to date, rats to eat, daily events, in the sands.   Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin.

Rejections, Expensive, Frogs Prices, Coins To Count, Cards To Read, Daily Mountains. Joys And Pains.Sole Sisters:Rejections, Expensive, Frogs Prices, Coins To Count. The Joys and Pains of Single Black Women: Watch the highlights:Back In The Day, History Recorded. Snake dens part of hills of jackasses, animals hidden under the skin.

Blessing or lessons are why we meet people is how I feel about it, have had enough lessons for this year, but I know that is not true. Every day you are a teacher or a student, and for me that means being an example. Trying to change people by your example only works if they like you, otherwise you get suck into a world beneath standard that you live by.Change of Plans (full movie) Comedy, Drama, Family


Ralfi Pagan-Make It With You...Jumps for joy, happy and delighted, for example of love and devotion. Words gifts to share, tips and tales told online.One of the fish that got away, better dreams in action, wishing on stars, blue stars to shine at night. Stars need the darkness to shine, good times and sad times, classes on the beach, love and hate. Dancing on the beach, classes over, download time and space. Pack Lions...Lyon to faces in mirror, looks fading fast, hair losses.
Lions in packs for dinner and treats. Monkeys see and monkeys do, swinging on branches, from tree to tree. Monkeys on dogwood trees, in the woods. Dances to music of leaves falling, joys and pleasures to share.cutez 🌼Me & my best friend!•On my way to be successful. Whether You think you can or can't your right. Horse and Pony Shows.

You can't sit with us 😎. Dicks, dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land...#mycrazydisfunctionalfamily ❤ — with Aurora Agresti, Jose A Santiago, Juliana Santiago, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti, Frank Alex Agresti, Mike Leeand Aurora Agresti.Frank Agresti Elaine Schiavone Beautiful picture! Kristen Giardiello Love this pic! Indi Diaz Indi Diaz Beautiful pictures of Family cows in training, dicks, dawgs, dates, cows for the land of shit, dung, and fecal matters.

Dicks, dawgs, and dates, bitches in heat, songs to sing, how great dicks are to rob, veterans at the top. SEEKING FRIENDS COMPANIONS: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks on veterans is the top of their games, to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Tales of the dirty deeds done. 

Monkeys in packs, to dodge. Proud to be #your crazy functional cousins. the trash left over from New York. 😘❤ Mayra Isla.😘Frank Agresti ....Elaine Schiavone . Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. Kristen Giardiello: Lovers and hater, bats out of hell, hell hounds on earth, devils in glasses, clear as mud views to share, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, lessons learned, back in the day, third party views, mine and others, veterans lost and alone, hurt and broken, trips to hell and back, friends for a moment or two.“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Notes from a sinner or saint, third party views, lights on in the dark. Thanks for sharing.Rachel Jarrot, Rachel wigs off, butch forever, date a land whale, california cow. Cum sucker, gang bang dyke, good tikes. Dates?or you, ass lubed up, gang bang, pitchers on point, jokes to yell. Ship of fools, ships of freaks, snakes in thegrass. Another buzz kill. Jokes on land, jokers to poker players to ride, faces of snakes to devils : 7608512267, Steven Jarrot. Toads birth under stars, hooked and pimp out to party and play, found where they were going to stay. Found a barn, to let the goat out. Bitch had a bastard, Jesus Christ was born in a barn.

Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world. Biblical stories, the birth of Christ, hooked: not married, brought a bastard in the world in a barn. Daily bread for the masses, horse and pony shows. Food for sheep, fun for witty, educated , interesting, real and different earth angels. W E I R D...Hidden messages in stories told, written history to pass down.

People trying laughing at your clothes. You wanna cry but you cant. So you give them the smile of the moths, But God says work hard and don't say the word 'don't', Majid Mohammed...

Story - Close up...Making Waves 2: 😎👍🌊🏄So many times I have experienced that same setting 🏄😎. Riding Waves, Blasts To Veterans.💥😎🌊Hogs, Pigs, Cows To Fly, Donkeys And Slugs, Free Rides, Dreams In Works, Games To Balls. Waves Made.🌊🏄, A fun day at a home break...😎🌊Time to take a walk, ships to sail, veterans with guns, dates to set, fun and games, wars and battles of wits. Charms and graces, hands to lend a hand, houses and homes, ways to go.Awesome enjoy! 😎👍🌊🏄So many times I have experienced that same setting 🏄😎. End of the Rainbow 😮🌊🌊🌈. Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales: Lucky In Life, Lucky In Love, Wild And Free, Wild Hogs.Veterans taken on a ride.Ready To Turn Around,Hogs, Pigs, Cows To Fly.
Bright Lights, Angels In Host, Lucky Stars Shine High In The Sky, Pies And Pots Of Gold. Love, Light, Luck, Lessons, Games To play, lots of laughs, dogs, cats, bitches in heat, fun and games, party and play, suckers to cum, fuckers to dates, light and love, coins to flip. Trips to hell and back, dates with retards and basket cases, dicks and dawgs, crooks, cheaterss and liar, Jewish Wales; Movie made...

Love and lights, dances for the good times, dances for the rain to come, dances for the joys and pains, dances on the waters. Hopes and wishes, joys and pains, jumps for joy, songs to sing, ships to sail. Good times, joys and pains, angels in the air, angels all around us, daily events, living in the blue. Lights and love, happy and sad, dances on the faces, fish and frogs, games in the seven seas, lovers and haters, fish and freaks,thanks, knew that family, had to cut them off, so many lies in your face, dicks, and dawgs.

Cards to read, signs online, tips and tales, stores of stories left behind. Jokers, clowns, dream dates, wishes on the stars at night. Classes of people without class, donkeys in the herds of cattle to call, frogs, snakes, and freaks out to tell their wales to. Dances with wolves, dances with frogs, dances for love and luck, coins to flip, games on land, whales to call, hippos to recap, dates...Tales online, history to share, tips also.

Light and love, hope and wishes, love and hate, coins to flip, horns of a goat, love and hate, ways to go. Lights to knights, sun to rains, coins to flip, tales in the air, birds and bees, flowers in the trees to crows in the winds. Songs of luck, songs of lovers gone away, songs of the snakes and the frogs, love and life moving forward, turning the pages, writing books, tales of animals under the skin.Tricks And Trades, Dancers For Lovers, 333 Smith, Rach Jay Lovers, Hopes For Horses To Run.

Drama and dreams, hope and luck, love and winners, joys and pains, tales of donkeys and monkeys in packs, games on the hills. Whales and goats, sheep in the fields, cows out in the world, home to nowhere, tales of donkeys in the hills. Jumps for joy, jumps for families, jumps for foes in the hills, valleys and mountains climbed, lasting impressions, for a life or two. SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs

Pages of dogs, pages of bitches, pages of dumb luck, pages of drama, pages to turn. Books and tips, tales and stories, how to wake up. Dreams in motions, dreams in drama, dreams in plans to make, dreams in luck of the draws.Tricks And Trades, Dancers For Lovers, 333 Smith, Rach Jay Lovers, Hopes For Horses To Run.Sands Of Time, Moving Alone:Gay Boat Ride .Constants, Fucked For Life, Crooks...Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️.

Image result for King Of The Stupids, Silly, Simple, Slow, Snakes In Grass, Spiders And Worms, Faces In The Crowds, Jacks And Marbles Lost Over Decades.

Charcoal Group: UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land Frank Agresti. all of you losers ✋☝️❤️❤️ — Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken.SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs mikey_lee33, jokerboy117, josefinerubino, kristenrosee, angie2x and bonifacebrandon like this....mind__overr__matterr_

You can't sit with us 😎. Dicks, dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land...#mycrazydisfunctionalfamily ❤ — with Aurora Agresti, Jose A Santiago, Juliana Santiago, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti, Frank Alex Agresti, Mike Leeand Aurora Agresti.Frank Agresti Elaine Schiavone Beautiful picture! Kristen Giardiello


Love this pic! Indi Diaz Indi Diaz Beautiful pictures of Family cows in training, dicks, dawgs, dates, cows for the land of shit, dung, and fecal matters. Dicks, dawgs, and dates, bitches in heat, songs to sing, how great dicks are to rob, veterans at the top.
alt Monkeys in packs, to dodge. Proud to be #your crazy functional cousins. the trash left over from New York. 😘❤ Mayra Isla.😘Frank Agresti ....Elaine Schiavone . Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks on veterans is the top of their games, to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Tales of the dirty deeds done.
altKristen Giardiello: Lovers and hater, bats out of hell, hell hounds on earth, devils in glasses, clear as mud views to share, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, lessons learned, back in the day, third party views, mine and others, veterans lost and alone, hurt and broken, trips to hell and back, friends for a moment or two.“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Notes from a sinner or saint, third party views, lights on in the dark. Thanks for sharing.Rachel Jarrot, Rachel wigs off, butch forever, date a land whale, california cow. Cum sucker, gang bang dyke, good tikes. Dates?or you, ass lubed up, gang bang, pitchers on point, jokes to yell. Ship of fools, ships of freaks, snakes in thegrass.

Another buzz kill. Jokes on land, jokers to poker players to ride, faces of snakes to devils : 7608512267, Steven Jarrot. Toads birth under stars, hooked and pimp out to party and play, found where they were going to stay. Found a barn, to let the goat out. Bitch had a bastard, Jesus Christ was born in a barn.
Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world. Biblical stories, the birth of Christ, hooked: not married, brought a bastard in the world in a barn. Daily bread for the masses, horse and pony shows. Food for sheep, fun for witty, educated , interesting, real and different earth angels. W E I R D...Hidden messages in stories told, written history to pass down.


Notes of sinners, notes of saints, notes of girls lost in the woods. Dazes in the rain, dazes in the sun, dazes with drama, work to be done. Stories of the earth angels, stories of the fairies, stories of the hark knocks, classes on lover and haters, songs to sing. Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.    Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..

Warm Hearts :Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands. Views shared of the fish that got away. Educated and mature frogs and fish, pens used to fight the hate sent by group texts, love and devotion, it is not. Gifts to share to repost the bumps in roads, with the lessons learned.Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.    Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..

To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of chances taken to bring lights on these matters. Sad and blue about the lack of growth. Same stories, different dazes, life on the beach, in a dated RV alone. Sad for the frogs kissed for the chance to change, windows always open, to flip the coins to brighter dazes. Paths not taken, the high roads, hands out to help a frog or a fish, get on the ships of dreams.Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.    Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..

Beta Israel, also known as Ethiopian Jews. Cochin Jews, a community of Indian. Jews. African and African-American communities practicing Old Testament .Dreams In Light Of Day, Faces In Mirrors. Role Models: Peter Pan, Sonny And Starr Bright, Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.Felix the cat, lots of tricks, lots of fun and games, lots of laugh, back in time. Beaches, surfers, sons of kings, sons of knights, retired, seasoned, and sedated, blue dreams to smoke.

Frogs, snakes, cows, wales, on land, time to toss, back in the seas with the others, black knights, spiders and rats. Roaches in the water, rats to last, tricks and trades, for good knights. Live and learn, live and grow, live and expand, moving forward, battles and wars, won.

🐶American Birds, 🐧🐧Talks To Hands,🐶 🐾 🐶.Dreams In Light Of Day, Faces In Mirrors. Role Models: Peter Pan, Sonny And Starr Bright, Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.

Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..Strangers to friends.Cheers and chaps, another year to mark, lots of cake, lots of lucky breaks, good times,and many more birthdays, every day, gifts to open. Your eyes...

 I need to invest in some more friends...that was a fun joke while it lasted 😂 😴 Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please Franky Tree, stories.Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Hotels, Motels To Buy:Blue Oceans:"SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS.Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Love 😍😍Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share.Nuts, Freaks, Frogs, Family Affairs, Counting Heads, Spinning Tales, Monkeys Riding Sharks. 🍒🍒🍅🍊🍎🍏🍈🍓🍋🍌🍌🍍🍶🍶💊💊💊💊📌📌📌

PETTY 4 ME 🤣🖕😂WAR MONDAY'S 😈😈😈DROP A Dime. 👀🤣]Songs to sing, hearts broken, hearts cracked, faces to turn, snakes and worms, gifts to share, tales in the air, glory days done. changes in the winds.

"HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. American Birds. Hands Flying.Services.Los Angeles, California |Internet 🙏 Religion 🎓 College 🍆 Sex 🚬 Drugs 🙋🏽 Name ⚽️ Sports 📈 Work.😲👍💗📣📣📣It's All About Building Something.


Here's To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always. Seasons Of Joys, Pains, Dances In The Rain, Birds, Bees, Bugs, Counting Heads.Paths Crossed. Lessons Daily, Rites To Reasons, Glory Dazes.One Liners, Freaks, Frogs, Snakes In Grass, Words, Waves, Values, Voices, And Views, Not My Cup Of Tea. ..are u female ? I am, and looking for Disneyland buddy next week...Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls. Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..

Love, lights, leaders, frogs, snakes and worms, tales in the winds, dances with dicks, heads or tales, poker players, freaks out at night. Hands to hold, oral talents on the line, dicks to serve, gang bang kings. One Liners, Freaks, Frogs, Snakes In Grass, ...Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls. Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..


FaceTime?ENGLISH words, for the wise.  "The road to hell is paved with good intentions!! 2018: Rats, Roaches, Rainbow Racers, Cheers And Chaps, Wings To Air, Fairies, Pixies, Earth Angels, Veterans 2. Happy New Year! Rites To Stand. 🎆🍾🥂🎉🚗🚗🚗🍷🍷🍷😬😇...Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls. Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..

Winners and Losers, Daily Events, Live and Learn, Pages To Books.Lights On: Tunnel End Lights at the end of Tunnel Happy and delighted still, and hope is burning high tonight with special prayers to the Rick Ben sons around the world, because the heat has been placed on your heads. Friends or foes, does it matter, who judges you, and how much is it worth, your views?Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls. Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..

Waves to make, songs to sing, glory dazes to come, pages to books, history to note,not news today. Heads to count, winners, losers, learners,walks in the darkness, good time toads, faces in the crowds. Dark👿Gothic.Cocks In And Out, Dances In The Winds, Animals Under The Skin.Rach, Rachel Jarrot 7609020855 -pussy licker, tricks on the beach, frog to date 7608512267, RV camper for the oral talents to shine. Girls.Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.    Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..
PREYS ON MENTAL VETRANS, EASY TO TRICK: ‘Night of the Witch’ project pays tribute to ’80s horror genre: As Heath Ledger’s Joker o...Owner Consultant; ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. Fairy tale nuptials: ‘Lilac City Fairy Tales’ hits the Bing: Big bad wolves. Gingerbread houses of doom. ‘Night of the Witch’ project pays tribute to ’80s horror genre: As Heath Ledger’s Joker o..Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.    Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb... Nasty.
Witches, wishes on stars, sluts, slugs, studs, snakes in grass, heads to count, spinning tales in the winds. Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up. Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads.

What a wonderful day it is, what a wonderful day it was, what a wonderful day is coming to lights, joys and pleasures, songs to sing, fires of hopes, fires of dreams, fires to help keep you warm.REVIEW:Can't help but think some of the kids around here are BJs that should have been swallowed! 😈 Doctor: Dogs, Dicks, Dates. Strange -.Sure, yes will eat, fried green tomatoes every day of the week.Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls. Penny Battles: 😂💋🖤💋👬🥂🍻🥃🍸🍹Do not pass up a single day without doing a mitzvah...."Small children won't let you sleep, bigger children won't let you live." ~ Yiddish Proverb..



  1. NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Lovers Talk.Questions:Plenty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns, Love, Hate, Luck, Lights, Coins To Flip.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.

  2. .“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt.

    Good times to share, boats to sail, dances on the beach. Dreams in motions, horse and pony shows, rats racing, to the end of dazes. Head under water, bleating air, live life under water. Gifts on both sides of the coin, flipping fine, songs to sing.

    babies, angels, stars, the beginning, the middle, and the end parts of long life. As a child, simple and free, to love and to hate, horns on goat, sheep and dogs in fields. Joys and pains, dimes to drop, coins to flip, daily life. Choices to make, paths to take, movies to create, you are always the star, stand on your feet.

  3. Blame who: Fags to flags, Jewish Rites, Hats and horns, sheep and goat, songs to sing, blame others, fingers to points. Joys and pains, bumps in the road, sheep and wolves, snakes in dens, hopes to burn, dances on the sands of time, lovers and haters, sinners and saints..Family Affairs, Donkeys in the fields,Snakes and Worms. Glory Dazes Done. Once on the beach. Just one case that tells the stories of the bumps in the road, and the blame game that is being played with the fruits and nuts, that party and play every day for the dicks to suck and the pussy to lick, taking turns for the oral talents of a freak, and a jackass or two, gifts to share for the tasteful delights of the fools .

  4. Pages to write. Tips, tails, donkeys to pin, monkeys in packs. Live and learn, live and grow, live and laugh, lots of love, lots of hard knocks, schools to attend, classes on love and hate, babes to keep, bitches with five stars.

    Starr Bright, dallas, and cali cows, veterans and nuts on the roads of hard knocks. Hell hounds here on earth, gifts from the center of the earth, gifts from the fake friends, lies for the truth and honesty with rose color glasses. Mistakes made with the whales on land, mistakes made with the fairies, mistakes made with the frogs and the fools.

  5. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play. Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods. Reasons, seasons and causes, tales in your head, dreams dancing in my head. New plans, new dreams, new cattle and more sheep. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to on Sex, Drugs, Love, Luck, Lessons, Tests Over Time, Dicks, Dawgs, Dates. Glory Dazes 2 Come.

  6. Philip Bailey, Phil Collins - Easy Lover. Holidays Daily, Birthdays Daily, Live and Learn, Pages To Turn. Hits And Misses.When we left the movie show the future wasn't bright. But came dawn the show goes on & I don't want to say good night. So say good morning.
    Image may contain: text that says 'CREATE YOUR OWN LIGHT'
    Everyday earth angel, here to brighten the lives of those I encounter daily. You are eternal. Your love, Your soul, will never die.Calm seas, and clear blue skies, and living in the moment.
